

Announcing the New “Remember Ten Seven: The Power of Collective Memory” Curriculum from ShalomLearning

September 2024

In response to the events of October 7 and the upcoming anniversary, ShalomLearning is proud to introduce the Ten Seven curriculum. This new resource is designed to help middle and high school students and their families reflect on this tragic chapter in Jewish history, honor the memories of those impacted by the attack on Israel, and instill hope for the remaining hostages.

The curriculum recognizes that October 7 affected each of us in different ways, challenging our relationship with Judaism, Israel, and each other. It encourages thoughtful reflection while providing the tools to process these emotions and guide students with care and compassion.

Curriculum Overview

The Ten Seven curriculum is built on three key pillars: The Past, The Present, and The Future. Through these, students explore the historical impact, reflect on current challenges, and look ahead with resilience. The lessons are enriched by Jewish values like Teshuvah (Repentance), Gevurah (Courage), and Shalom (Peace), creating a foundation for meaningful discussions and activities that connect our shared experiences as a community.

  • The Past: Honoring those who suffered and died.
  • The Present: Reflecting on how the events affect us today.
  • The Future: Looking forward with hope and strength.

Curriculum Formats

To meet various classroom needs, the Ten Seven curriculum is available in two formats:

  1. Three-Part Version: A comprehensive exploration over multiple sessions.
  2. Abridged 90-Minute Version: A condensed option for shorter, impactful discussions.

Teacher Guidance

The curriculum includes supportive guidance for teachers to help navigate this sensitive material. Educators are encouraged to:

  • Reflect on their own emotional responses.
  • Use the provided resources for fostering meaningful and supportive discussions.
  • Create a safe, open environment for students to share and engage.

Lesson Structure

Each lesson includes:

  • Learning Objectives: Clear goals for student growth.
  • Introduction and Activities: Setting the stage for discussion with interactive tasks.
  • Discussions: Encouraging reflection and dialogue.
  • Wrap-Up and Resources: Closing thoughts with additional resources for further learning.

By guiding students through these lessons, the Ten Seven curriculum provides a path for reflection, connection, and hope. As we honor those we’ve lost and reflect on where we are, we can look forward with resilience and unity

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