
Education, News

What’s New for the 2024-2025 ShalomLearning School Year

July 2024

ShalomLearning is always seeking new and innovative ways to enhance our curriculum and empower Jewish educators to engage with students. Here are some of the exciting updates we have made for 2024-2035.

Enhanced Technology 

We’ve streamlined Schoology, our learning management system, to simplify how you access learning materials. Here’s a quick video to show how we’ve made Schoology even easier to use.  

Pre-Teen and Teen Jewish Education 

Middle school is tough – social media, increased anxiety, academic pressure, and rising antisemitism. It’s a lot for preteens and teens to handle and many are struggling. So are their parents.

ShalomLearning has partnered with Moving Traditions to provide their B-Mitzvah pre-teen, teen, and family education to ShalomLearning partners at a significant discount.

The engaging, interactive Moving Tradition curriculum includes family education sessions that fuel meaningful conversations between parents and their children and strengthen Jewish identity for adolescents, Learn more

Jewish Pride and Unity Lessons

Since October 7, 2023, confronting antisemitism has been a reality for even our youngest learners.  Our new Jewish Pride and Unity lessons are aligned with our annual Jewish values curriculum and help young students connect with their Jewish heritage and feel proud to be Jewish. 

We worked with mental health professionals to ensure these lessons and activities are empowering and age-appropriate, not overwhelming or scary. Increasing Jewish community and pride is one of the best ways to stand up to Jewish hate and arm students with the tools they need to combat antisemitism.

Expanded Online Classes with Shalom Learning Educators

Engaging, relevant, Jewish education is easier and more accessible than ever with LinkED, now open to all congregational school communities. We provide the materials and teachers. You send the students.

With today’s overscheduled families, we know it’s hard for them to dedicate Sunday mornings to religious school. Flexible online options make it possible for more students to learn Jewish values and build relationships with Jewish peers. And for synagogues that struggle to find educators, LinkED can be a great alternative. Students join the same class for every lesson, enabling teachers and students to build community within the online classroom.  

Professional Development Opportunities

Our newest professional development workshop, now available on-demand, provides instruction on how to make Jewish education accessible to everyone. The course, developed in partnership with Matan, includes an inclusive lesson planner and suggestions for differentiated instruction for groups and individuals. 

We plan to add additional training, relevant resources, and engaging workshops throughout the school year to support educators with unique and exciting professional development opportunities. 

Join Us at NewCAJE in San Diego!

We are hosting three insightful workshops at NewCAJE this year (July 28-31), including:

  • Jewish Pride and Unity with ShalomLearning
  • Shalom LinkED: The Ongoing Evolution of the Online Classroom
  • Jewish Professional Learning To-Go

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What’s New for the 2024-2025 ShalomLearning School Year

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